精分大中华Psycho China

4 years ago

February 3, 2021 -
精分大中华 Psycho China

只道是演戏的是疯子,看戏的是傻子,若人人皆为戏子,960万平方公里的疯人院,人生何其高调癫狂? 疫情可演电视剧,死人可唱红色歌曲,灾难可歌可泣,战争可鼓舞士气,一个鸡血民族永远有稳定高昂的情绪。这片神奇的土地,没有清华北大 ,没有人大党校,处处都是戏校,戏子们的钱自然水涨船高。
武汉WHO调查的好戏,缅甸军管的演习,选举作弊的穿帮,冠状病毒的恐怖连续剧,整个世界被精分们搅成了六谷糊,分不出你我,分不出好坏,分不出哪里有病毒。精分们的欲望日日滋长,霾和病毒都无法压抑这样的嚣张。没有人类的末日清洗,精分大中华怎能安静下来,打发没有中共激情的无聊的时光?Under the exaggeration of the big domestic and foreign propaganda, in the great China, the talents of the drama are coming out in large numbers, and the profound skill has made Oscar Hollywood disgraced. If you have kind thoughts, your money will be donated to CCP, your kindness will be blocked, your charity will be ruined. If you have greed, it will be encouraged, burned, played corrupted. Whether young or old, nice or evil, no matter how wealthy or poor, everyone is psycho, everyone is obsessed, and everyone has no bottom line. Between playing and being played, what a wonderful world it is.
People always said the drama acting is lunatic, and the drama watching is foolish. If everyone is an actor, how high-profile the life is in a 9.6 million square kilometer lunatic asylum? The pandemic could be the best material for TV dramas, the dead people are for sing CCP songs, disasters can be praised, wars can be inspiring morale, a stimulated nation always has a stable and high mood. On this magical land, there is no Tsinghua University, Peking University, and no Party School of the People's Congress. There are theater schools everywhere, and the income of the actors is naturally risen up. Chinese people’s performances are in other countries, in China, on the work, at home. In the drama world black is white, white is black, the acting talents are in Spring Festival Gala, the psycho program is in the Xi Jingping’s brain chip.
With the great drama of the Wuhan WHO investigation, the military exercises in Myanmar, the goof of election fraud, the horror TV series of Covid19, the whole world is confused by CCP schemes, and it is hard to tell you and me, good and bad, where is the virus. The desire of the psycho is growing day by day, and neither the haze nor the virus can suppress such arrogance. Without the doomsday cleansing of mankind, how can make psycho China quiet and stand the boring time without the passion of the CCP?

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