1950 Years since Titus Ruins 5780 ROSH 20 to Last Trump of 2020 Rosh Hashanah 5781 SHIN 21

3 years ago

Thanks to End Time Dream and Vision YT channel also found at www.edvforme.org by Bob Barker the author of "Road to 2024".

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It was 1950 Years since the middle of Titus Ruins of Jerusalem on 6/30/69 AD when we reached 6/30/2019, June 30, 2019, which was also my 50th Jubilee Birthday as 390 years x 5. It was exactly 19.5 years by 6/30/2020 since my Vision in Shushan on 1/1/2001 (numerically aligned to H1121 Ben Son, the male child of H113 Lord ADON).

The date of 6/30/2020 corresponded to Daniel's vision in Shushan the palace as one year of purification according to Esther 2:12 from 6/30/2019 (age 50) through 6/30/2020 (age 51) to complete exactly 19.5 years of waiting in travail to deliver her Child.

At 50 years of age, the decree was H50 Abishua... My Father (Abi) is Shua (Yeshua Salvation). When I turned the age of 51, the LORD told me "fully awake" and "end". H51 (HE) Abishur My Father (Abi) is Shur (A Wall of Salvation) with his wife (she) who is Abihail My Father (Abi) is Hail (Might as in Almighty SHIN El Shaddai), the same name as Queen Esther's father as shown in Esther 9:29. What is declared by 929? 46 46 9: Temple Resurrection (46) Temple Resurrection (46) Tet Surround Basket (9) equal to I AM Aleph Beginning First Tau Last End XY man XX woman (46) I AM Aleph Beginning First Tau Last End XY man XX woman (46) Tet Surround Basket (9).

The exact date of 6/30/2019 marked the time period of 1950 years of the Gentile dispensation of the 7 churches lampstands pillars eyes of Zerubbabel (Zech 4:10; Rev 1:16 to 20.) The RESET as in the days of Noah started as the new thing the LORD will do within the earth to deliver her children to His throne. This is found in Rev 12: 1-5 where her Child is born (spiritually) and then the earth opens her mouth (as a standard lifted in Isaiah 59) and swallows up the floodwaters Satan spews out at her (a woman clothed with the sun) and her Child (as depicted in Shoshannim Shushan Psalm 69). The shalom (end) of Queen Esther (the Lamb's wife of Rev 21) and Mordecai (Rev 14 as the 12 tribes of Israel as 12 stars on her head) will happen in action through His Holy Spirit restoring she (as wisdom) and her children to their place in the kingdom of God. The LORD will gather his people from the four corners of the earth and bringing their rescue and deliverance giving those who are worthy the tree of life and the waters of life to live forever with Him in Paradise. It will be the hand of God as a sign and a wonder, the miracle God will do within the earth, to open the womb (the windows of Heaven to go into His holy city) giving birth to His royal nation in one day (Isaiah 66) as His first fruits of HIS increase to bring about HIS NEW BEGINNING in the new heavens and the new earth.

We are waiting for the Lion of the tribe of Judah (who is THE LORD HIMSELF) to descend from Heaven with the voice of the archangel and the sound of the last trump to take us HOME with HIM. He is upon her head leading them all to bring us home to the New Jerusalem, His holy city. We are being caught away, glory unto glory by His Holy Spirit and His Word of truth line upon line until HE COMES, to soon take our flight in the air to be with HIM and forever be with the LORD and His holy angels for all eternity.

Visit ENDTIME DREAM AND VISION OFFICIAL WEBSITE!! Watch videos and post dreams and visions! Watch the LAST TRUMP 2020 PROPHECIES and more!


If you want to learn more about the signs of our times found in the heavens and given to us by God Almighty, the information from End Time Dream and Vision at edvforme.org is a must view. We are all helping each other to understand and discern what is happening around us, to be prepared, and ready for His coming for His bride.

When we see these things, be of good cheer because your redemption is nigh, and look up because our King, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, is coming for His bride to catch her away to His side...and very soon!

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

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