Feral Hog Eradication 6... Call and Stalk

4 years ago

This is a thermal scope's eye view of hog removal from a TX wheat field using the Bering Optics Hogster R35.
It's a full length video of both calling hogs with the Convergent Hog Pro app and spot and stalk. The wind was wrong and the moon was bright for stalking so I tried to call them to me while I was standing in the shade of a tree. They started to come but got spooked so I decided I might as well try to stalk them. Every time they lift their head they are trying to bust me. One started moving into my wind so I had to take the shot I had. Unfortunately the big sow was TOUGH and wouldn't go down so I had to get back on her because I knew she had been hit. She was hit 4 times and you will see all but one other got away because I spent so much time on her and she was a long way out at the end.
This is a long video but worth watching to see how they react to both the call and the stalking.

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