"The Ballad of Bai Deng Zhou" - vocal jazz

4 years ago

"The Ballad of Bai Deng Zhou"

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Song copyright 2021 by Hopalong Ginsberg

Video copyright 2021 by Hopalong Ginsberg.

Written by Hopalong Ginsberg.

Performed and programmed by Hopalong Ginsberg.

Contact: hopalongginsberg at gmail dot com

Bai Deng Zhou was the emperor
About a thousand years ago
He was old, he was mad, he was so so bad
And the people said he had to go

Zu De Ching was Zhou’s best girl
She was the power behind the throne
She was a wicked child, she was mean and wild
And she wanted to rule alone

And it's Hey! Ho! Bye-bye Zhou!
It's time that you were gone
Zu’s got a knife, she wants your life
You’d best be moving on

One late night by the pale moonlight
With Zhou asleep in bed
Zu De Ching she did her thing and
Zhou was short a head

Zu she cried, she said Zhou died
From a battle with the Wuhan Flu
And you’d better not be asking questions, son
Or it just might get you too

And it's Hey! Ho! Bye-bye Zhou!
You should have watched your back
Now Zu's in charge and living large
And she’s planning on some harsh payback

Chung-su Guaytze was a little crazy
Cause he used to be the boss
He got defeated when Bai Deng cheated
And he wanted to avenge that loss

One day our Zu had a big to-do
When a knock came on her door
It was Chung-su’s army; they were feeling mighty harm-y
Now there ain’t no Zu no more

And it’s Hey! Ho! Bye-bye Zhou!
And bye Zu De Ching too
Cause there’s nothing finer in all of China
Than getting rid of you

And it's Hey! Ho! Bye-bye Zhou!
And bye Zu De Ching too
Cause there’s nothing finer in all of China
Than getting rid of you

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