Old School -Out There! - circa 2010

4 years ago

Out There! has came a long way in 10 years. No the Channel hasn't been a Channel for that long. In fact the YouTube Channel was only started about 4 years ago. But we have been filming nature for a very long time. This footage of the great outdoors was created in 2010. It is filmed in 320x240!! Today's Out There! features all HD videos natively filmed in 1920x1080 usually at 30 fps. Some shots are in 60 frames per second and the photos are usually shot in 4608x2592 this is how we have such fantastic videos and photos! We recently also added a GoPro Hero to capture the trails and hopefully eliminate some of the shakiness of the 'professional' photographer behind the camera... That was a joke. But we hope that you will join this adventure with us! We have over 70 videos to bring to Rumble! And more videos are released every few weeks. They increase in the Spring and Summer when the color comes back. So subscribe today so you don't miss a video and we will see you all....

-Out There!


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