Learn Japanese Through Music: Connect (ClariS) - Grammar and Vocab

4 years ago

Learning Japanese can take a lot of work. So much grammar to learn and so much vocab to remember. Chances are, if you want to learn Japanese, you probably listen to some Japanese music. If you can get a rough idea of what words are used and what grammar is employed in the songs you listen to, you can make practice fun and learn while you drive your car, walk to class, or even while you sing in the shower. Language learning is all about repetition, so you can never have too much exposure.

I figured I would have found something like this very useful at one point, so hopefully some of you can find some use for it now!

Some things to keep in mind:

While I do know Japanese, I am no linguistics buff. The parts of speech in this video should be largely accurate, but there may be an error here and there. I generally tried to err on the more literal side with this translation. In my opinion, for those who are just starting, it's best to have a good understanding of what is actually being said, so for learning purposes some of the English might be a bit awkward.

Also, some grammar shows up that I chose not to explain due to it being part of an expression or it being a very common usage of the grammar that actually shows up in the dictionary. When I was in doubt as to whether or not to include an explanation, I erred on the side of the threshold being whether or not it has its own dictionary entry.

The following grammar points are fundamental to the Japanese language and thus were not mentioned, as including them would put them on every slide:

1. Lack of definite/indefinite articles (a, an, the)
2. Lack of distinction between singular and plural
3. Subject omission
4. Particle omission
5. General omission (of any information that is evident based on context)

It is also worth noting that some words used in this song might have multiple meanings/usages. At the bare minimum, I tried to make sure that the meaning being used in the song was listed. Additionally, on very crowded slides, some of the more common grammar may have been omitted in order to make room (usually relative clauses).

Grammar guide for anyone seeking additional information on the grammar used in the song:

Kana chart: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/93/61/20/936120226e56ad8de2d436c2c474d563.png

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95k8wqeomGA

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