Dark Nights: Death Metal - The Secret Origin -- Issue 1 (2020, DC Comics) Review

4 years ago

On this episode of Bad Comic Reviews: We're looking at issue 1 of Dark Nights: Death Metal - The Secret Origin. This one-shot finds Superboy Prime contemplating what his role is in the struggle of Dark Nights: Death Metal. With no friends and resentful, untrusting allies. Will he be a hero or become a villain once again? This issue takes place between issues 6 & 7 of Dark Nights: Death Metal.

Written by Scott Snyder and Geoff Johns, art by Jerry Ordway, Francis Manapul, Ryan Benjamin & Richard Friend, and Paul Pelleteir & Norm Rapmund, colors by Hi-Fi, Ian Herring, Rain Beredo, & Adriano Lucas, with letters by Rob Leigh. Cover by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, & Alex Sinclair.

Is this issue worth picking up? Find out in this episode!

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