Tucker Carlson and Saagar Enjeti

4 years ago

Tucker Carlson talks with The Hill's Saagar Enjeti about the lefts attack on free speech sites like Parler Telegram Rumble and Gab
How the CIA is investigating domestic terrorists on AMERICAN soil
How NYT CNN demanding free speech be abolished because of "misinformation spreaders" using these Free Speech sites
Therefore, they MUST be closed down and the Government release all speech
Isn't that what North Korea, China, Iran, Russia do to control their citizens and stop TRUE information that's harmful to them becoming known by the public
Isn't this what Twitter Facebook Google did during Hunter Biden laptop released media stories
Of ANYONE who dared speak the truth
Why was that story, that investigation hidden from the potential voters
Why didn't EVERY media outlet SCREAM this story from the rooftops
WHY DON'T WE CONSTANTLY HEAR ABOUT HUNTER BIDEN, CHINA, RUSSIA, UKRAINE and the many other countries associated with that family
Why are they quiet
Is this the type of censorship that
Believe needs censorship because it makes them look bad or makes the current political party in the WH look bad

WHO DECIDES what is misinformation
Or Joe Bidens administration!
Will Hunter Biden's laptop ever make it to court
Will the other 2 laptops ever make it to court
Will the 3 phones ever make it to court
Will the 3 hard drives ever make it to court
Will we EVER hear about ANY court case or will it be a case of censorship due to "misinformation "

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