[Feb. 4, 2021] The Daily AHNC News Rodeo

4 years ago

The Kenosha, WI D.A. wants to rearrest Kyle Rittenhouse for failing to update a change of address within 48 hours. I'm sure Jacob Blake would get the same treatment, no? </sarcasm>
Jen "You lyin'" Psaki appears THREE times today. It's so refreshing to finally have "Truth" coming out of the WH for a change.
We also have the latest on Dem. hypocrisy RE "calls for violence," including a great article in the Federalist by Mollie Hemingway, and some bad optics for 46* appointees to the Dept. of Education and the U.S. Attorney's Office of Massachusets.
Don't miss the latest on Greta Thunberg's instigation of an international conspiracy investigation by India into charges of a "call [...] to wage economic, social, cultural and regional war against India.” The target is an infamous Canadian astroturfing org. - the Poetic Justice Foundation - that is closely tied to Thunberg and celebrity support of rioting Indian farmers.

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