Special Super Bowl Predictions Episode

4 years ago

Super Bowl Predictions; Top 3 Super Bowl Snacks; A Good Word from Matt

On this special Super Bowl episode this week, Matt Amos, Chet Sears and Troy Trussell make their predictions on the Super Bowl. All 3 routing for a Kansas City Chiefs win. Then they talk about their top 3 favorite Super Bowl snacks that must not be missing at a Super Bowl party. The episode ends with a good word from Matt. And don't miss it when Matt fact checks Chet on GIF's!

**Topics discussed:**
1. Super Bowl Predictions
2. Top 3 Super Bowl Snacks
3. A Good Word from Matt

**Links mentioned in this episode:**
* https://www.hardheadedpodcast.com/
* http://admiralspennant.com/
* https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2020/02/25/how-do-you-say-gif-properly-ask-giphy-jif/4750684002/
* https://news.yahoo.com/-this-is-how-president-obama-pronounces--gif-153554734.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGYvvC1Mid4U8tTVIgWu7R6zsepNbkXg9Ohhh_L9UwJ7U7efYZx2ja1dOlD2ccRCCSCzytg6R8qWNOIMFvZOzxnupdyHZtOveGegLFcUr2yGS9mKu81nszcEri5cbVSyaWrLI0MSnaPQ5Nrccp_DtnM_c8w3gFPAv8FKNExDQ7bF

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