Increase Website Traffic: 2 Effective Methods To Get More Eyeballs! @TenTonOnline

3 years ago

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There are essentially two ways to drive traffic to your website, to your online business, or to your online project: You can either use free traffic or paid traffic. Both come with their own pros and let's dig into it!

Let's start with organic traffic. Here what I mean is, traffic that finds you or that comes to you online naturally and organically.

Most often, this occurs via search engines -- most often Google search. So here, with an organic traffic strategy, it's all about creating SEO-targeted content like blog posts, articles, and videos that rank well in search engines for the keywords and phrases that the audience you're targeting uses.

When people in your audience search online for the sorts of keywords your posts and articles are optimized for, the name of the game here is to get them clicking over to your website.

Once there, the goal is to get them to become a part of your growing audience. You do this by offering them more and more great value.

One of the "pros" about a "free" or "organic" traffic strategy is's free! It doesn't cost you much more than your time and effort.

One of the downsides here is that it's a slow process...It's a slow burn. In other words, you won't see huge spikes in traffic to your website overnight.

Now next, let's address your second primary traffic option: Paid traffic. Paid traffic typically means advertising. In other words, you pay to run ads on platforms like Facebook, Google, and YouTube, and that drives traffic to your website.

What's great about this is that you can get right in front of eyeballs...directly from the market you serve...very quickly. Paid traffic, or taking a "paid ads" approach to promoting your website and business online is very much like turning on a traffic spiggot.

So here, the great news is that it's absolutely is possible to see a massive spike in website traffic overnight. That means tons of eyeballs in front of your business, your website, and your offers.

But that spiggot is a double-edged sword. As soon as you stop paying for your Facebook, Google, or YouTube ads...the traffic tap is turned off immediately.

So, you must pay to play. And while many people have figured out the math behind running successful online ads...Spend $1, make $3...this can be difficult to figure out. It really boils down to your market, your copywriting, and a heck of a good offer.

There are, of course, other ways to bring traffic to your website beyond these two methods -- free traffic and paid traffic. One of these is called "traffic that you own" and I'll be talking more about that in a future video that's due out soon.


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