Ep. 71: Lights (No Lights), Camera, ACTION!! MORE Confirmation “It’s Happening”

4 years ago

Some really great confirmation that things are going down in DC: chaos at Capital Hill, Tunnel Shootouts and the White House, tens of thousands of troops on the streets in DC and growing!

Join us as we tour the Capital via Richard Citizen Journalist and get some Intel from Jim Willie that JAGs are flowing into the capital. So WHERE are tribunals going to be held? Watch this video to find out what he's hearing from his intel sources! How exciting!!

US Capitol footage from 2-2-21 at 9:00 p.m. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRrVc_QGBTE&t=1s

Final Countdown with Dr. Jim Wille on BeyondMystic

Richard Citizen Journalist on Telegram: https://t.me/richardcitizenjournalist

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