Prepare for Revival - January 24, 2021

4 years ago

We are living in difficult times. These are difficult times in part because these are evil times. It is not just the covid pandemic, there is an increase in godlessness and a movement toward totalitarianism. People are taught that the truth is a lie and that lies are truth. They are told that good is evil and evil is good. The world is on a path that leads to destruction and death. Only God can help us in these difficult times. The world needs spiritual revival. We need a new Great Awakening.

Here are the Bible passages that were used in the preparation of this message:
2 Chronicles 7:14​
Psalm 51:10-17; 80:18; 85:6
Isaiah 57:15
Hosea 6:1-2
Acts 2:37​-41; 11:19​-21
Romans 13:8-14
Ephesians 5:11​-18
1 Peter 3:13​-16; 4:17​

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