What's Behind Bezos Stepping Down? GM to Cut Production Due to Chip Shortage | NTD Business

4 years ago

NTD Business News- 2/3/2021
1. Ad Revenue Spells Big Q4 for Alphabet
2. Apple Tests How to Unlock Phone w/ Mask On
3. What's Behind Bezos Stepping Down?
4. Spotify Outlook Weakens with Uncertainty
5. GM to Cut Production Due to Chip Shortage
6. Yellen Calls Meeting on Gamestop Frenzy
7. Gamestop Mastermind's Losses And Gains
8. US Private Jobs Rebound Sharply in January
9. Biden Insists on $1,400 Stimulus Checks
10. Chinese State Newspaper Snubs Jack Ma
11. GOP Group: Delay Commerce Pick over Huawei
12. NYC Outdoor Dining Structures' Future Use
13. UK Cheesemaker is Cheesed Off With Brexit

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