Devil May Cry 5 | Story Mode Pt.7: Mission 13: “Three Warriors”! (PS4 Pro Gameplay)

4 years ago

Last time on DEVIL MAY CRY...
Dante, the Legendary Devil Hunter, did some wacky woohoo pizza man shenanigans to absorb the magic devil power sealed within the Devil Sword Sparda by his father, who was also named “Sparda”, and was also a Devil (a nice one though), but was not a sword, because that would be weird- and in doing so, achieved his REAL ULTIMATE POWER FINAL FORM!

Sin Devil Trigger!

Devil Trigger 2!

Super Devil Trigger!

Devil Trigger-er...?

Whatever! He turned into a freaking huge devil monster with fire and stuff and it was like whoa dude and he got a NEW Devil Sword- The Devil Sword Dante!


Dante the (Half) Devil Guy with a Devil Sword *also* decided to name his Devil Sword *after himself*, because that’s totally not confusing and weird. Except that it is.

But hey- details!

It was pretty boss.

Dante returned, now in his REAL ULTIMATE POWER FINAL FORM, to the big gooey demon “tree” thing where Nero was getting his dumb face stomped by Urizen the Demon King (again), and rescued him (again), and faced off in an EPIC BATTLE against Urizen the Demon King (again)!

But this time, with the power of his REAL ULTIMATE POWER, Dante prevailed over the Demon King!


Just as victory seemed assured, everything started exploded and ish got crazy and Urizen the Demon King was like “Mwahahahahaaaa foolishness, Dante! Foolishness! This was all part of my plan or something and it doesn’t really even matter because now the big gooey demon ‘tree’ is gonna explode or something I don’t know, whatever- kbye.”

So he left.


And Dante and Nero and V were like “Welp, can’t have that... let’s do this!”

Thus, the warriors departed further into the deepest depths of the big gooey demon tree to the root (get it? ‘Root’? Because... tree..nvm...)- to the ROOT of the evil!

Let’s rock, baby!

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