4 years ago

Many evolutionists believe that the Messenger RNA molecule, is a precursor molecule to the DNA molecule. Why, because of its ability to carry specified complex information, and its simpler than the DNA molecule. However, how is the RNA Messenger Molecule manufactured today?
......Production of RNA in the cell
RNA polymerase, (IS NOT RNA, BUT NEEDED FOR RNA TO BE BUILT FROM INSTRUCTIONS IN THE DNA) abbreviated RNAP or RNApol, officially DNA-directed RNA polymerase, is an enzyme (A MOLECULAR MACHINE) that synthesizes RNA from a DNA template. RNAP locally opens the double-stranded DNA so that one strand of the exposed nucleotides can be used as a template for the synthesis of RNA, a process called transcription. RNA polymerase is an enzyme (A MOLECULAR MACHINE) that is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, during the process of transcription.
Inside the cell is the nucleus
Inside the nucleus is the Genome
The Genome is made up of Chromosomes
Inside the Chromosomes is DNA
DNA is packed around the Histone Proteins
Within the DNA are sections called Genes
These Genes contain the instructions (THE SPECIFIED COMPLEX INFORMATION) for making proteins.
....... The RNA polymerase (an enzyme, a molecular machine—that is needed to make RNA must already BE) attaches to the start of the Gene (how does it know where to start?)
The RNA Polymerase then MAKES MESSENGER RNA out of Free Bases in the DNA. It’s the DNA CODE, (SOFTWARE, INSTRUCTIONS) THAT DETERMINE THE ORDER of the creation of the Messenger RNA molecule. This is called Transcription. NOW please do NOT just gloss over this FACT—THE RNA Molecule is MANUFACTURED, both From the Information in the DNA, AND requires a Molecular Machine we call the RNA Polymerase. FACT—RNA Molecule is NOT produced by “chemical evolution.” FACT—all these systems are INTERDEPENDENT—and all must be in place at the same time for this process to work.
....... Messenger RNA is processed, then moved from the nucleus, into the cytoplasm—WHAT HOLDS THE CYTOPLASM IN ITS PLACE—oh that’s right a cell membrane. So we have a nucleus, chromosomes, DNA, a cell membrane, and an enzyme RNA polymerase, at the very least to create RNA, it gets worse.
....... Now Protein factories called Ribosomes, bind to the Messenger RNA, READ THE CODE, and produce a Chain of Amino Acids. There are 20 types of amino acids.
.......ANOTHER TYPE OF RNA is called the Transfer RNA Molecule—these molecules transfer the amino acids needed to the Ribosome. SO WHAT TYPE OF RNA is the supposed precursor to DNA--the Messenger RNA or the Transfer RNA? It would have to be Messenger RNA because of its information bearing properties.
....... The Messenger RNA is read (By the Ribosome factory) and a Transfer RNA molecule delivers a corresponding amino acid to a chain of amino acids, being built into a protein. Once, all amino acids are added, the protein is folded into a complex 3D SHAPE. The strand of particular Amino acids determines the shape of the protein.
....... So which came first the Chicken or the egg?
....... “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find no such case.” ― Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species.
....... Here is a case where "it [has been] demonstrated that [a] complex [organic system] exists, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory [has] absolutely [broken] down.― Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species.

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