Warp Speed 777 Logo Three Legs Symbol from Early Trump Ancestors

3 years ago

Thank you to Enter the Stars YouTube Channel for this info...

The three legs look just like the Reiki symbol as a cube for Warp Speed and relate to Trump's earlier ancestors and the symbols they revered. These decodes are important for your understanding of the deception we are be subjected to as people. Please understand, the serpent race who was from Cain (serpent seed) of his father the devil is running every major aspect of our humanity. Their goal is to outwardly rule without their disguises they have had in the past to then treat us like slaves, not dignified people of society as we have been. This is why the resources for people have been gradually dwindling and disappearing while the alternate version of our existence will immerge contrary to what we knew as our lives. Look at all the businesses that are gone from the planned-demic they started and are continuing against all peoples of the earth. The businesses will not recover and not operate how they were. We are being taking over by super rich elite who bask in their wealth while the common people shall suffer more and more.

The Lord showed me all of the shelves removed of food and goods. The supplies we had were completely gone. He also showed me all the screens without any signal. The combination will cause people to lose their minds. Then, you must worry about your neighbor next to you hurting and harming you. The people have been put under a spell. Only the LORD can help the masses of humanity to pop out of it.

The warp speed symbol is demonic. When I listed the demonic symbolism associated with Trump, I came up with 40 plus things that clearly say he is leading everyone into the building of the 3rd temple with him as a god seated on the throne. The "Trump Base" is the biggest funding of the very temple that will persecute those who believe in the LORD from there, just as in the time of Jesus when he was put on the cross. The temple coin with the half shekel is a symbol of every believer put on the altar as a sacrifice in their system.

Put JESUS CHRIST first in all things and DO NOT think for a second that ANY vaccine from these liars will ever help you. It is a terrible trap to send you straight into the pit. Nobody in their right mind should agree with a third DNA strand. The elite have the entire world under Psalm 69 as 23 23 23... Donald on the wall as Psalm 69 in I Pet Goat...as the third blow against the REAL TEMPLE of the LORD who are HIS PEOPLE, male and female, he created he them.

The LORD has HIS RESET and HIS Shoshannim Shushan Psalm 69 as a standard lifted AGAINST this atrocity against those who dwell before the LORD. You must worship THE LORD as your KING and do not look to man, any manmade system, nor any government, especially now, to help you, make your life better, protect you, and save you from harm's way. He who loses his life will gain it. When you see these things, look up because your redemption is nigh.

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

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