Celebrating The 9th Anniversary of God-s Message About Climate Change and the Pyramids to Humanity

3 years ago

,via the book Project: "The Pyramids' Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions to Challenges Regarding the Earth's Magnetic Field and Climate Change" in 2011, Seattle, Washington, by Bernard Christian Magnongui.

|☆☆☆| The Recurrence of the Coronavirus
|☆☆☆| The Consequences of the Deterioration of the Earth's Magnetic Real Cause of Climate Change, etc.
|☆☆☆| The Pending International Scientific Expedition in the Pyramids
|☆☆☆| Happy birthday to myself 🦅🦅🦅
May God have mercy on humanity!

Pyramid project (Pyramid Presentation)
Youth/Parents (Black child-science and the survival of humanity)
The Pyramid's Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions to Challenges Regarding the Earth Magnetic Field and Climate Change 1 St Revised Edition.
Link to Amazon:
The Challenge of A Message: From the United States to France and Switzerland, Tome 1
Link to Amazon:

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