Join the Covenant Against Porn - Luke Gilkerson

4 years ago

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One of the most dreaded responsibilities of any parent is that of talking to their child about sex. Aside from the general awkwardness of the topic, it feels as though bringing it up will spoil a child's innocence. However, if parents aren't proactive in teaching their children a biblical perspective on human sexuality, the world will be all too eager to fill their heads with harmful misinformation. And with children having more and more internet access from increasingly younger ages, they will almost certainly be exposed to the worst teacher of all: internet pornography.

This week Kevin talks to Luke Gilkerson, a Christian author, co-founder (with his wife) of the family website, and an 8-year employee of Covenant Eyes. Luke is all too aware of the dangers of pornography: he was addicted to it for years. After countless attempts (many halfhearted) to give up porn left him believing he could never truly change, Luke was finally able to escape its clutches with the help of a godly mentor who believed in him. A few years later he connected with Covenant Eyes through his wife's church and spent the next 8 years helping them achieve their mission.

Covenant Eyes is an internet accountability and content filtering service. It was created both to protect children and adults from viewing internet pornography, but just as importantly, to start dialogues within families about internet usage and Christian values. Visit to see how their software can benefit your family! And at Luke's website,, you can find a variety of helpful resources, including tools to help you discuss the important issue of sexuality with your children.

"I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman." –Job 31:1

This episode first aired on April 2nd, 2016.
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