Summary of All 3.5 Year Prophecies in Daniel and Revelation

4 years ago

We appreciate Leeland Jones for his insight and understanding of the timeline of the tribulation. A big part of knowing where we are in time has to do with understanding the 70 weeks of Daniel and its prophetic significance for the latter days.

We are in the great tribulation, specifically at the ending of the time of the woman in the wilderness for 3.5 years. Shortly after the wings are plucked off of the little horn, she will get the two wings of a great eagle to fly to her place for another 3.5 years as shown in Rev 12.

Daniel, Esther, Revelation, and Enoch provide a way to track the end time events and calendar to know the times, the season, and the precise aspect of the Revelation in which we are currently living at "The End".

The correct answer for the catching away (Rev 12:5) would be "pre-wrath" of God, meaning just before "The Day of the LORD" when He rises up for witness and plunder as described in Zechariah.

What does the LORD tell us to do? "Wait upon ME, saith the LORD, until the day I rise up..."

[Zep 3:8 KJV] 8 Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination [is] to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, [even] all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.

When His people are gathered together...

[Joe 2:16 KJV] 16 Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.

The event of the catching away is the time when the LORD gathers His people who are redeemed from the earth (for the resurrection from the dead) and then brings judgment against those who are living through the desolations of the earth (for plunder and judgment).

When we are at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, we unite with our bridegroom to forever be with Him. Then, we come back to earth as his mighty army following our KING, who is the LORD of hosts.

His second coming is when the LORD comes as Judge and King to exercise righteousness and justice upon the earth with a rod of iron against those who are against Him and His people.

Read Revelation 19 to understand more about THE LORD as "The Word of God" who is THE LORD of lords and the KING of kings who rules and reigns on His throne. HE is the mighty warrior who RULES and REIGNS.

The entirety of the tribulation is 14 years = 7 years + 7 years = last two weeks of Daniel thus completing the 70 weeks of the prophecy.

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

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