Call of Duty WW2 | Campaign Pt.5.2: “Liberation”! Action Time! (PS4 HD)

4 years ago

NOTE: This freaking mission took so long, I decided to split it into 2 parts. This is the Shooting Part. Last was the Sneaking Part. Literally the entire episode was spent NOT shooting filthy nahzees and sneaking around pretending to BE a filthy nahzee. The action was decidedly subdued- so I can definitely understand if you just wanna skip that one. As promised, I now have the Shooting Part uploaded! How could you ever doubt me?

++ ADDITIONAL NOTE: I included a short recap of the last episode, so that everyone could have the pleasure of experiencing my absolutely incredible acting skills and totally accurate, not even remotely exaggerated nor overtly stereotypical impersonation of a Kraut Wahmen. It was pretty legit.

-HOWEVER, if for some reason that no one could ever imagine, you don’t care about true art and just want to get straight to the shooty pew pew action part, Skip ahead to about 10:00 or so. I might add a popup card thingy to the beginning of the video or something. Maybe not. You’re smart- you know how to fast forward. You can figure it out. I believe in you. Believe it!

And on that note...

Let’s do this...

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