The real reason Marjorie Taylor Greene is being targeted by the Establishment

4 years ago

Freshman Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has definitely been getting a lot of attention from the Mainstream Media, almost completely negative attention, at that. While it's clear that part of the reason why they are coming after her so much is because of her strong support of President Donald Trump and her clear mission to expose the Deep State, there is also a more sinister strategy at play here, and it involves you and I... the true Constitutional Conservatives.

The Establishment Elites see Marjorie Taylor Greene as someone that is outspoken and, in their mind, an extremist that they can tie to the supposed "insurrection" and "coup" that occurred on January 6th. By doing so, they are attempting to make her the face of the remaining Trump supporters in Congress, using this to discredit the entire MAGA Movement. While this is a completely dishonest attack strategy, that is apparently what the end-game is... the Democrats are not holding back and are doing anything that they can to justify completely destroying Conservatives across this country.

We are already hearing rumblings of completely cancelling Conservatives... or even going so far as to round us all up and put us into re-education camps. While that may sound extreme to many, this strategy seems to be playing out before our eyes. To their base, they are making us all look like violent extremists. Thus, if we are domestic terrorists, as the Left is claiming, they are justified in cancelling or even arresting us for the safety of the masses. This is extremely dangerous territory that is unprecedented in American history.

As Conservatives, we must support politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, who are mixing things up and causing the right kind of ruckus. However, we also must be able to counter the false narratives of the Left and refuse to accept their evil premises. Conservatives are not violent. We are not the enemy. We support Freedom, Liberty and Opportunity for All. We must continue to wage this ideological and spiritual war over the soul of our nation, and we cannot allow the Left to control us any longer. It's time we buck the system and forge our own path, independent of the Mainstream.

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