The Great Prosser Washington annual Balloon rally 2015 Part 2

4 years ago

When I do a Photo shoot, I always start by trying to tell a story.
This Balloon rally, this being my first time shooting a balloon rally and not knowing what to expect.
I left home at midnight, drove 4 hours to get here by 4:00 AM to make sure I got here in time to see the inflation of the balloons.
I had so many questions, like how do they fill the balloons, where do they start from, where do they go, how do they land. How do they pack and unpack these GIANT balloons?
I had all of these questions, so I assumed someone else may have them as well. I have the camera, I am the storyteller, so, here I am. 
Setup starts at 6:00 AM
Ballons start launching at 7:15 AM
Pack the Balloons back up at 8:30AM
1,374 pictures in one 3 hour event.. whew..
If you’ve read this far, please let me apologize. I was learning to shoot events like this, I have since learned NOT to shoot into the sun. I was also learning new features in Photoshop and blew out a bunch of really nice pictures.. Yes I could recover them, but I have over 1,200 pictures in these 2 videos. I just ran out of time to go back and correct again..
The Prosser Balloon Rally website
Over the rainbow Seattle area hot air balloon rides

Spencer air, Hot air balloon rides, Idaho
Chuckars Cherries

Part 2
A new Orleans crawfish boil Unicorn heads 7:40
A trip around the moon Unicorn heads 5:19

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