2021 SH'EMA HOLY TRINITY CO-CREATORS 3 in 1 needs comfort & worship (Mirror)

3 years ago

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Prophecy 136 The HOLY TRINITY Needs to be Comforted Also!

Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
May 29, 2017

This is your ABBA YAHUVEH! I love when you call ME “FATHER”. I AM your LOVING FATHER! I gave MY ONLY BEGOTTEN SON so you could return to Heaven again. For none of you, none of you are perfect! Only YAHUSHUA is perfect, WHOM some call “JESUS CHRIST.” But I want you to call HIM “YAHUSHUA,” by HIS HEBREW NAME.

You will find there is more Power and Anointing in the HEBREW NAME, but there is still power and anointing in the Name of ‘JESUS CHRIST.’

Just please, I want to get to know you better on this Shavu’ot whom4 they call the Day of Pentecost. So many just say, “It’s just the Day of Pentecost”—and this [Prophecy] is to be released on Shavu’ot—that is why I’m calling it Shavu’ot. This is what MY prayer is for you MY children. This is what I ask of you MY children.

To Caleb -

YAHUSHUA wants you back as HIS Comeback Kid from Israel, Caleb Anew to be even more holy than you have ever been before. YAHUSHUA can and wants to forgive you! (Isaiah 1:18​ “Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.)

Do NOT believe in the lies of the devil, and do NOT believe the lies that these reprobate serpents are telling you! Come out of agreement with satan and those reprobate serpents as YAHUSHUA calls them, they only want to pull your soul down to hell with them! Read the reprobates wall of shame!

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