Breaking Justice | with Constitutional Civil Right Attorney

3 years ago

Have the wheels of justice gone off the rails? Where are all the constitutional civil rights attorneys when we need them the most, like right now?
The collusion of private companies and our governmental agencies are at an all-time high. The conflict of interest is astounding.

One recent example: The same groups of people creating the vaccines are financially benefiting from it. Is any attorney questioning that? And why not? What’s stopping them? Has the machine become so powerful that the law can’t penetrate it anymore? And if that's the case, where does it leave justice which our founding fathers fought and died for!!

On Frequency Wars, we will be discussing justice with one of the few lawyers left willing to speak up and take action against the unjust. Rick Martin, a constitutional civil rights attorney has been fighting the corrupt judicial system for over 30 years. His firm has filed 42 mass tort claims against corrupt governors, The Health Department, and Bill Gates. Not pulling punches here.

Why don’t we see more Rick Martin’s now? Is our judicial system systemically broken and have we been living in a banana republic with selective kangaroo courts and corrupted and Balckmailed donkeys and elephants setting the laws. And as Americans, do we even realize it yet? Well, it's time to find out why!

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#justice #constitutional #civilrights #attorney #court #governmentalagencies #judicialsystem #broken #corruption #humanrights #law #order

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