LOWER BODY follow along workout

3 years ago

Join me today for a follow along LOWER BODY workout! This workout can be done at home or the gym. You will need a pair of dumbbells or any household item will do the trick. Only one exercise requires weights, so it’s okay if you don’t have any! We'll start off with demos of the exercises and a warm up. Let's get sweaty 💦


3 ROUNDS ✖ 40s on, 20s off

1. invisible medicine ball slams
2. reverse lunge to kickback R leg
3. reverse lunge to kickback L leg
4. alternating side lunges
5. squat to dumbbell swing
6. single leg RDL to knee drive R leg
7. single leg RDL to knee drive L leg
8. calf raises
✰ round 1: normal calf raises
✰ round 2: toes facing outward
✰ round 3: toes facing inward

Leave a comment with how you did and any requests for future workouts! 🏋🏽‍♀️


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