Christmas Is Over (I Can't Wait Till Next Year) An Original Song

4 years ago

I have always loved Christmas. From Nativity Scenes, Putz Houses, Christmas In The Park, Santa, Egg Nog, Presents, Candy Canes, Hot Chocolate Christmas Trees, Lights, Ornaments, Wreaths, Jingle Bells, I love it all... but most of all I love the songs!

Every Christmas its like this build-up and release that leaves you feeling drained when it's all over. This is what inspired me to write Christmas Is Over.


Christmas Is Over

Verse 1
Left over presents,
We’ve turned off the
Yule Log;
Recycled gift wrapping,
Table scraps for the dog.

Christmas is over,
But the fog hasn’t cleared;
Give me more joy and laughter,
I can’t wait till next year.

Verse 2
Christmas card strings,
A wreath on the door;
So many presents
Once covered the floor.

Verse 3
Candy canes and hot chocolate,
Eggnog and rum,
The scent from the pine cones
Now memories not gone.

I hope you enjoy this song.

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