Canadian Queensway Gold Deposit May Rival One of Australia’s Best

4 years ago

We discuss the coming critical gold cliff starting in 2027 and how that will affect reserves.

We need to find good, sizeable deposits that are economic so that we have fresh gold coming into the system.

With the amount of increase in M1 money supply, precious metals will play a very important role in capitalizing the world bank system and helping it to maintain solvency. The price of gold could rise substantially in the wake of additional fiat money debasement.

We found what is a potential district sized gold play in Canada. Early drill results and geologic surveys show this deposit resembles the Fosterville deposit in Australia with over 2 million ounces of gold at 21.8 gpt gold.

New Found Gold believes they have found another Fosterville type deposit, and will be drilling 200,000 meters to prove out their resource,

We go over the company and provide our view on the potential for this company as a premier exploration target in your portfolio.

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This video was conducted on behalf of Newfound Gold Corp, and was funded by Gold Standard Media LLC. For our full disclaimer, please visit:

#gold #newfoundgold #CanadianQueensway #silver #silversqueeze #stockmarket

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