Buffalo City Council Meeting, Feb 1st 2021

3 years ago

00:35 - Congenital Heart Disease Proclaimation
03:20 - Kite Festival Announcement
03:50 - Steve Downer Announcements
04:30 - Additions/Deletions
05:13 - Open Forum
05:35 - City Council Reports
05:45 - Park Board Report
06:53 - Golf Course Update
07:25 - Consent Agenda : Approved 5-0
08:12 - Public Hearing, Dague Ave Reconstruction
22:00 - Approval of Dague Ave Reconstruction : Approved 5-0
23:00 - Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) Grant - Dague Ave : Approved 5-0
28:15 - LRIP Grant - 12th St NE : Approved 5-0
31:45 - Airport Runway Maintenance Project : Approved 5-0
34:00 - Agreement of Assessment for Water Service Replacement @ 504 1st Ave NE
36:45 - Alcohol Compliance Check Update
39:20 - Police Staff Update
40:30 - Joe Steffel - Installing a communication hut for Fiber Construction
41:30 - Planning Commission will have 3 items next week
42:15 - Zoom Meeting tomorrow at 4:30 on the Downtown Vision. Zoom invite is on the city website
43:00 - Airport Updates
46:20 - Fire station is progressing, Fire Department Webpage is continuing development, Fire Hydrants - keep them clean!
47:30 - Utility Specialist is being sought, App is being brought online for monitoring utility usage
49:00 - Motion to Adjourn

Next City Council Meeting will be 2/16

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