A New Man Set the Captives Free VII

4 years ago

IX Comparison to Military practice, church militant, grace building on nature

As Church Militant good to compare what makes military successful. Common mission, common dress, common schedule. Significantly, there is ongoing preparation for battle.

Modesty versus custom, modesty is a universal virtue, common rule/ schedule, liturgical calendar. Holiness not safety is the goal in this world.

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Solider not ready for bootcamp. Deficient. Make it through bootcamp is effective. Beginning of Lent, weak, don’t expect perfection. Impatient people. Battles waged against us, years of preparation against us. Did not have eyes to see it.
Presume one is weak, doorstep Lent woefully out of shape. Lord is calling us too more. Military is not just foot soldiers. God could be calling you to more, 40 days of bootcamp, cooperating with Holy Spirit become stronger. Takes great courage to follow out of such a king.

X The Lord brings good out of all for those who love him Rm 8:28 We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.

We experience this truth in small ways so that when we are faced with bigger battles, we have been prepared. Paul is proven right to ourselves by the small acts of penitence.

XI Conclusion: Be that New Man, a Captive Set free, claim your year of jubilee in the Lord. Do not empty the Cross of its power. Our Lord can bring small dead seeds planted in fall and winter to bloom in spring.

Behold He makes all things new. We must cooperate. Lack of patience, and laziness. Nobody ready at bootcamp, same in spiritual life. Point and clip people.

Happy & Holy Lent

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