A New Man- Set the Captives Free III

3 years ago

- Teresa of Avila, “Great courage is needed to follow such a King” (VI) Teresa refers to our Lord as His Majesty throughout her works. Lack a sense of a king and deportment. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, His Majesty. Our Lord is both the Lamb and the Lion. Convertible.

V High Middle Ages produced some magnificent art, architecture, philosophy with very rudimentary technology. How? The people envisioned a grand movement of God working in the midst. This telos or vision was fueled with the need of repentance and somber acknowledge of their sinfulness. True targeted repentance leads to a change of heart and an opportunity of genuine progress.
Modern man terribly impatient. Don’t keep anything in out heart anymore. Imitation of Christ paraphrase just because know something is true, does not need to be shared. Time may be needed for introspection.

Sunday is a cheat day not considered in times past. Hope is born in absence. Patience in Lent leads to a banquet. Patient dreaming 2, 3, 4 generations believe, hope together. No connections with people.

Continual reflection, pondering in the heart, true targeted repentance being aware in the heart where to change.

- Lent affords us a prolonged period of time for specific repentance, amendment of life, and thus the opportunity to do the works of Jesus. By the fruits you know them. Are we recognizable as Christians? Thomas a Kempis greatest project is self-reformation. We are overwhelmed with stuff. No patience. Easter joy, light of Easter dawn light pours forth, is ground ready to receive it?

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