Wide way and Narrow Path, Choose One

4 years ago

90 & Out is a 90-second video commentary on a passage from the Christian Bible. Episode 25 is taken from Matthew 7:13-14 and read from the New King James Version.

The Sermon on the Mount is the longest sermon recorded in the Christian Bible and covers three chapters in Matthew: 6, 7, and 8.

Jesus of Nazareth is talking about the wide gate or the wide path and the narrow gate or the narrow path. Many people go through the wide gate and broad is the way to destruction or death. Most people go through life not having a clue what their purpose is. They go with the flow; they follow the crowd. At the end, all is vanity and all is for naught.

However, as he has done frequently previously, he shows a contrast. He says there is a better way. Don't be like all of the rest of the people who are going through the motions of life but don't actually live. Instead, there's a narrow path. And narrow gate exists leading to a narrow path, and that path brings you to life. Real life, everlasting life, authentic life can only be found through Jesus the Christ. His way is the narrow path, and his resurrection is the narrow gate.

For the longest time I thought these were two completely different paths. Like a fork in the road. However, I have discovered that the narrow path France smack dab in the middle of the wide path. The narrow way is simply going in the opposite direction of everyone else. Few people find this path because it is so easy and distracting to go with the flow.

I referenced Ecclesiastes in this video with the repeating phrases of "vanity of vanities" and "nothing new under the sun".

Written, Directed, and Presented by:
Timothy Holt
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Music: Sunshine Day by Mixaund
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