Project Lincoln and the financial collapse

4 years ago

The Independent Mouth continues to bring the raw news the mainstream media refuses to share. Reddit users troll the hedge funds. An NYC billboard was the best troll of 2021. 

Bloomberg reports the I'm[ortance of silver, why? The market will dissolve if silver hits triple digits while Global pubic debt rises to 98% of economic output. This is the first time since WWII.

What s the correlation between silver and Gamestop? Silver is to the banks as GameStop is to Melvin, learn more inside the podcast.

Project Lincoln or Project Pedo? You decide, all the information inside the podcast. 

BLM up for Nobel Peace Prize? This is not a joke. 

Maxine Waters exposed for illegal money laundering. 

95% of electricity comes from coal, what about that Green New Deal.

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