The Grand Delusion January 31, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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The Grand Delusion January 31, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

You are constantly being presented with — and are believing in—- the existence of two competing “sides” to everything, when in fact, there is only one thing before you.

This is perhaps Satan’s favorite and most successful trick, so he plays it over and over like a favorite card trick.

Many of you have read books about the Illuminati and Freemasonry and even Black Magic, and no doubt you have seen the black and white marble parquet floors that are a favorite with these Tricksters.

Why, you might ask yourselves, is this pattern of black and white squares such a favorite?

Because it celebrates their primary means to wealth and power— the Grand Delusion upon which they depend.

It’s like they are mocking you and flaunting it in front of your faces. You believe that there are two, black and white, but in fact there is only one.

That is the entire secret upon which their ascendency over Mankind hangs.

They convince you that there are two things, when there is really only one.

It is so stupidly simple and monotonous that yawning is the best response once you figure it out, but until you do see through it, it is deadly.

Look around and what do you see?

Two versions of “United States”.

Two versions of United States of America.

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