Vaccine Free Mom: Vaccination Caused Asthma, Anaphylactic Shock and Shingles In Eye

4 years ago
3.18K - After witnessing three of her children have serious reactions to vaccination and after much research, Landee stopped vaccinating her children. The vaccines contributed to suppressed health, asthma, anaphylactic shock (which can cause death), shingles in the eye, ongoing sickness, hospitalizations, infections and other health problems. Once she stopped vaccinating, the health of her children returned. Find out why she no longer vaccinates her children and why she opposes mandatory vaccination.

• First 2 children fully vaccinated
• Boy wheezed after shots
• At 18 months boy had asthma and respiratory problems
• Children got healthier after vaccines were stopped
• Visited a holistic doctor to get off vaccines and antibiotics
• Third child was not vaccinated, but got DTaP and Tetanus vaccine
• Third child wound up with hives and went into anaphylactic shock
• Child couldn’t breathe, throat was closing, and had to go on steroids after emergency room visit
• Had an vaccine adverse event, a very serious vaccination event
• Daughter got shingles in the eye from chickenpox vaccine
• Landee opposes mandatory vaccination
• Discovered that vaccine free living meant healthier immune function and healthier children
• Not concerned about childhood diseases because a healthy immune system will offer full recovery and lifelong immunity
• Healthy immune systems sometimes means that an unvaccinated child may not even get a childhood disease
• Childhood diseases are rarely deadly
• Our body is our sovereign temple - the government has no right to force vaccinate or force a medical procedure on us or our children
• Parent challenge: do you want to decide vaccines for your child? Or have the government do it for you?
• If you’d like to have medical freedom, get involved and challenge all bills that would mandate forced vaccination and forced medical procedures on a child or ourselves

Produced by Larry Cook
Founder and Director of

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