Hmmm? What is Happening Now and What Really Happened on Nov 3rd?! Pt. 6

3 years ago

One of many interesting things discovered on Rumble & YouTube and on the internet as a whole, regarding this past 2020 Presidential election, which for whatever reason, is not being broadcast on our main news channels. I have found a few things somewhat addressing some of these incidents, but it seems like it is being rationalize away based simply on personal opinion, statements from the accused being given immediate and full ‘nothing to see here, case closed’ credibility, or is dismissive right off of the bat without weighing merit at all. As a registered Independent coming from a neutral platform and with some past professional general practiced investigative skills and a lot of life-experience garnered ‘street smart’s, something just seems strange here regarding any behavior (includes YouTubes' Blue Box disclaimer tagging of videos of this topic or YT removing these videos followed by a warning email from YT) that side steps or tap dances around such discovered incidents without displaying an integral effort to help find causal i.e. transparent from cradle to grave. Hmmm? Definitely interesting stuff!

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