Wrapping-up Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month

4 years ago

AFSO21 Radio, The Weekend Wrap-up host Kevin Ferrara discusses firefighter cancer awareness and how it continues to affect firefighters across the globe.

Kevin talks about PFAS and how it directly affects firefighters through repeated exposure to products of combustion during and after an incident. Kevin shares his thoughts on why PFAS blood testing is important and why it should be included in the NFPA 1582 Standard.

Kevin talks about how important lines of communication and transparency are necessary with PFAS and how it appears the Department of Defense, particularly the Air Force remains silent on exposure and contamination.

Kevin introduces listeners to new segments of the Podcast, "On-Scene" and "Shout-outs".

Feedspot ranks AFSO21 Radio, The Weekend Wrap-up podcast at number 6 in their Top 15 Fire protection & Safety Podcasts

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