Live Your Life as Though Everything is a Miracle! 🌟

4 years ago

Live Your Life as Though Everything is a Miracle! 🌟

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein.

How do I choose to look at my life? It's a choice. Do I choose to look at it as though everything is a miracle including the bad stuff? Or is nothing a miracle and everything is happening to me? I’m at the mercy of what's going on around me and I don't seem to feel that I can create my own reality because I’m the effect of everything that's going on? 🤔

I want you to ponder on that. Am I living as a creator of my life or as a victim of what's going on? And it's your choice.

If you choose that you're the creator of your life and your experience then you will notice the miracles. Oh, watch out they will come! But if you feel that life is happening to you, events are happening to you and there's not much power you have over anything you will not see any miracles.

I've lived my life for many years in victimhood. I felt I had no power. What creator you're talking about? 🤨

Think about this today. If you choose to see it as a miracle... you release worry. We worry so much. But we have to think about: Is there an end to worry? Like if this and that go well, I will stop worrying. Then I will find more stuff to worry, there's always stuff to worry about. 😳

We focus so much of our energy on what we don't want. We don't focus our energy on what we do want and how can I be creator of what I want. How can I use this life as a miracle to see how I can pour my attention and my energy into what I do want and what I do want to create. 🌻

I invite you to take this challenge with me. Let's try this out for 21 days and see what happens when I’m coming from a place of love, when I’m coming from a place of seeing life as a miracle. What's going to show up in my life? So, share the comments below if you're going to do this with me and join the Whole Wellness Method Facebook group that we can keep in touch in this way. 👇

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