You Have a Part in this Global Change! 🌍

4 years ago

You Have a Part in this Global Change! 🌍

Okay, everybody wants world peace, everybody talks about peace, I just want to ask: Are we doing the individual work that it takes to have world peace?

The fact is that we are all connected. What I do on an individual level has an impact on the collective level because we are all entangled, we are all connected.💫

So when I do my individual work I’m contributing to the collective work towards peace. So, instead of pointing our fingers out there and saying that this and that needs to happen to have peace, let's look within and see on a day-to-day basis: “What do I do to get closer to peace?”

The biggest obstacle to peace is fear. If we look around us everybody's in fear. Very few people are not experiencing fear right now. How are we going to get to peace if we are experiencing fear? 😳

So, let’s go within and look at our own responsibility in terms of “Am I experiencing fear on a day-to-day basis?” Because if I am, that's going to be a big obstacle to peace. And if I truly want peace, I have to tap into love which is the antidote to fear. 💖

If I look outside of me there's no evidence that we're going to have world peace or any form of peace any time soon. But when I look within and I look at the everyday steps that I need to follow to go from fear to love and to experience peace, then new doors open. 🦋 Synchronicities happen, things start shifting and all of a sudden, it's like “I see what I need to do to contribute to whatever is my purpose is or to whatever is that I can do to contribute to this collective peace.” 🥰

To help me in this process I use the essential oil “Peace” by doTerra. Find it here:

When you're in fear use this essential oil. When you're in fear use all the techniques, I’m teaching you and that I have inside the Whole Wellness First Aid Kit:

And it starts with one person at a time. So, you are very important in this part, you have a part in this global change that we are going to accomplish. 👊

Take your part! Let me know in the comments how this is landing for you & if you're with me in this process.👇

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