NACSW Elite Containers practice, Flying Cloud, Jan. 2021

4 years ago

If there were drugs hidden in those containers, a human could find them but could a human find all four in 1:49min? The handler doesn't know which containers have target odor or if there is target odor out there at all. But Winnie knows. This video demonstrates the skills detection dogs have to find and "tell" the handler where to find the target odor. Winnie covers her area with independence and confidence using two methods of searching. 1) Methodical, detailed using sight and scent and 2) Random, following odor trails using only her nose. She starts methodically sniffing moving from container to container. She follows the line and finds the container she wants. The handler must wait for conformation before delivering the reward. After she gets rewarded, Winnie stays with methodical sniffing then veers to the left drawn off the line by odor. Winnie takes charge and decides where she is going next which is following her nose to source/conformation/reward. I always like to see her enthusiasm. Winnie switches in and out of methodical and random as I (handler) try to keep up, stay out of the way, and remember hides she's found and areas she may not have covered. When the handler is satisfied the dog has covered the area and found all sources of odor (if any), it's time to call finish and go to the best part of the search, the "after-party".

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