3 years ago

This is the lesser known, great monologue, from the 1976 movie Network. The performance by William Hurt is also one of the greatest scenes in the history of celluloid. It’s a great movie all the way through for those who haven’t seen it.

But the movie aside, I couldn’t help but notice the parallels within his rantings and that of the current attitudes of the elites and bankers as we nosedive into this spiritual war of ideological classism.

Especially in their response to r/WallStreetBets in the fallout of the Reddit group having beaten them at their own game to the sums of billions. They try to gain the sympathy of the people by going on television and screaming foul from the rooftops, while some pathetically and laughably, resort to literally crying at points.

But they will get no sympathy from the people, of which, they have built their fortunes on the backs of their entire lives, as most applaud seeing their reaction when the shoe is on the other foot for once.

They have held us down, shackled to an illusion of powerlessness and dependency upon their fabricated system by a grand, overarching design of subversion and control.

There are many who have seen this, but it’s defining moments like these that awaken those who were in the twilight of their slumber.

And we need every last one of them, because there are still many more deep in their sleep, lying under a weighted blanket in a windowless room.

This movie was made in 1976 and is more relevant today than ever. The predictive programming is everywhere within our pop culture, from our movies to our music, to the box of cereal on our breakfast table, peddling their ideas through activities on the backs of boxes while our children are fooled into thinking they know what a healthy breakfast looks like.

The Great Awakening is upon us. The illusion of the Left/Right paradigm is shattering. People are beginning to understand that we are not each other’s enemy and that it is those who are financing the dissent and fomenting the divisive narratives who assume the form of our truest foe.

They think they got this, but in the end love wins. God wins!


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