Embrace The Unknown - Monte Wessley // 1.10.21

4 years ago

9 am // Masks Required
10:45 am // Masks Recommended
10:45 am // Treehouse Kids

Please help us lessen the risk of spread by remembering the following when we gather.
1. If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms please do not attend Red Tree Gatherings.
2. Online Worship Gatherings will be posted online as soon as they are available at the Red Tree Church - New Melle YouTube page for those at-risk or uncomfortable attending.
3. If you have tested positive or believe you have COVID-19 do attend Red Tree Gatherings until 10 days from onset of symptoms and you are fever free for at least 24 hours per CDC guidelines.
4. If you have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 do not attend Red Tree Gatherings for 7-10 days per CDC guidelines
5. If you test positive or believe you have COVID-19 please notify anyone you were in close contact with 48 hours prior to the onset of symptoms.
6. Please use hand sanitizer stations located throughout the building.
7. Please practice social distancing. Every other row in the auditorium is pushed forward to provide for social distancing. Please allow at least 2 empty seats between people living outside of your home.
8. Masks are required during the 9 am service. Masks are strongly recommended during the 10:45 am service especially in the lobby and walkways.
9. Treehouse kids will have a quick temperature/symptom screen at check-in.

The Building is being cleaned each week and sprayed with an all natural solution in between services. We are praying for each of you and everyone around the world as we are walking this road together.

Helpful Resources can be found at the links below:
CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html
State of Missouri: https://showmestrong.mo.gov/data/public-health/

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