Vaccination: Parents Conclude Vaccines Are Not Safe For Their Children

4 years ago
2.98K - Brittney’s two girls had severe reactions to a vaccination and after much investigation decided to never vaccinate again. Brittney did an extensive review of vaccine safety and vaccine efficacy and concluded that vaccines are too dangerous for her children, and that vaccines are not required for the health of her children. She doesn’t understand why vaccines have never been tested in combination for the entire childhood immunization schedule. She gave her oldest the DTaP vaccine and then the child got an ear infection after that vaccination. This daughter was no longer vaccinated after that. Brittney was bullied into vaccinating her youngest child with the Hib vaccine (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b) and then for the next 11 months her child would not sleep properly. She says she should have followed her intuition and never have given her child that vaccine. If parents are curious about whether or not to vaccinate, Brittney recommends that parents do research first before deciding to vaccinate. She believes there is no such thing as a safe vaccine. Her goal is to ensure her children have healthy immune systems for if they do get a communicable disease.

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