TMN | AGENDA 21 - Live Stream - Chemtrails II

4 years ago

TMN: s2e17 | AGENDA 21 - Live Stream - Chemtrails II

Norwalk CA | January 22, 2019 | 1055 Hrs

Have you seen cloudy trails high in the sky and just thinking they were natural or simply planes flying overhead that leave trails behind? These trails are "weather modification/geo-engineering programs" widely known as "chemtrails". Planes at high altitudes are spraying toxic chemicals such as barium, aluminum, and strontium that later fall to the ground, ending up in our bodies by water, soil and the air. Please do you own research on this topic, be well informed and watch the skies.

Our network wants you all to check the skies for yourself. We see these planes going across the skies and busting a u-turn to spray again. We have noticed this in the past few years. If there is anyone in the Southern California Region that can look up at the skies right now, go outside and record.

If you happen to give this video a thumbs down, please let us know the reason so that next time we can make your viewing experience enjoyable. Thank you, Staff

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