Top 10 Rookie Ham Radio Mistakes - Part 1: The Baofeng Dilemma

4 years ago

This episode of Rookie Mistakes focuses on everyone's favorite starter radio, the Baofeng HT - and three things you NEED to know if you are considering buying one of these popular and very inexpensive ham transceivers.

We all make mistakes, sometimes more often than we care to admit! You may have been a ham for so long that you probably can’t remember (or don’t care to remember) what it was like to be a newbie. My rookie days are much more recent, so my mistakes as an inexperienced ham are still all too painfully clear. I made so many mistakes during my first year as a licensed ham that I had enough to create a Top Ten List! And who knows - maybe there are still some rookies out there that might benefit from my embarrassment! Watch this series to save TIME, MONEY, & SANITY!!

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