4 years ago

IT'S ABOUT TIME AMERICANS WOKE UP TO THE GREATEST CRIMINAL SCAM AND FRAUD IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Never have the people of any country, been so completely scammed, by the most lying cheating conniving criminal bunch of miscreants, that call themselves democrats. I call them demo..rats, and that's being kind. When all this comes out, nearly all criminal treasonous demo..rats, will be having a long extended holiday in Gitmo. The whole election should be overturned and all democrats should lose their seats. Philippinos, it would appear, are a lot smarter than Americans, because two years ago they woke up to the Dominion voting machines switching votes, and they arrested 5 dominion people, and threw them all into Jail, and confiscated all machines. The head guy managed to flee the country, before being arrested. What a shame Americans appear to be slow learners. Wake up America there is no Biden and you have a Usurper for a president. Every day on the fox news or CNN I see at least 2 Biden usurpers appearing one after the other. Are Americans completely blind and stupid?

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