Episode #27 "Wake up in the Word" with Pastor Paul Ybarra and The Mindset Master, Gens Johnson

4 years ago

WAKE UP IN THE WORD OF GOD every morning and your life WILL change for the better in a very short period of time.

Now, it’s not going to be perfect but it WILL be BETTER!

On today’s show we continued our conversation on breaking generational curses.

We discussed what satan wants for your life and how he operates.

1. Satan is always after your identity. He doesn’t want you to know how amazing you are. He doesn’t want you growing and expanding. He wants to keep you down and confused.

2. Satan wants to steal, kill and destroy. End of story. He doesn’t care about you.

3. Satan comes into your life through gates:
🔥Your mind
🔥Your eyes
🔥Your mouth
🔥Your nose
🔥Through sexual impurities

Take every thought captive. As yourself:

Does this thought come from love?
Does this thought breed love?
Does this thought encourage me to love?

God needs us playing BIGGER! ❤️

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