Did The Prophets Get It Wrong About Trump's 2nd Term?

4 years ago

Many prophets around the world, possibly hundreds, prophesied that Donald Trump would be reelected President but as we know he wasn't. Why is this? How can we explain this?

Before I begin a few things to mention
- Some of what I am sharing I found through research and listening to what others have to say, most is my own revelation what God has shown me, particularly the last part I will share about a specific word Kim Clement gave regarding President Trump's 2nd term
- In the show notes, video description I have provide a list of reference material including sources where I got some of what I am sharing today.
- Also before I go further, please like this video and follow on my Rumble channel at prophetictruthinlove/rumble.
- Finally welcome to join my Telegram channel at prophetictruthinlove.com/telegram

So most prophets and Christians believed Trump would be reelected and inaugurated as President.
First we have to consider that Trump did win the election at least that is one millions of people believe and have evidence to prove it. So in regards to Trump to winning the election, he won. It happens in sports sometimes that the true winner of the game does not get credit for the win because perhaps a referee made an incorrect call that cost the team the game. In basketball for example if the team is down 1 points and a player shoots with just 2 seconds left. He doesn’t make the basket but he gets fouled in the act of shooting. The player should be allowed 2 free throw shots, if he makes both free throws he wins. If you have a player like Stephen Curry you have 92% chance he's going to make both free throws. ...but the referee doesn't call the foul and it costs the team the game.

So what are some possible explanations why so many prophets prophesied Trump would serve a 2nd term but now Joe Biden is President Instead?

1) Timing, Trump wasn't supposed to serve, be inaugurated as President in 2021. He could serve as President in 2024

2) Donald Trump behaved in a way that essentially got him demoted, removed from office. Trump pushed things too far and God couldn't continue with the original plan (*1).
• that  Trump was acting too boastfully and proud and therefore God removed him. But what could happen, as in the case of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4, Trump could humble himself, God does a deep work in his heart and restores him back to the presidency in 2024

3) Christians got lazy and overconfident
- could it be we were so confident that Trump would win, we slacked in prayer?
- Could it be were so focused on exposing the corruption that we forgot to pray?
- Could it be that God heard the prayer of those who praying for Biden more than those who were praying for Trump (like 2 football teams and each team praying their team would win (*2)

4) Donald Trump Jr could become President someday

5) The prophet's just got it wrong, including Kim Clement. (He gave several prophecies most of were true but perhaps the prophesy that Trump would serve two terms he got it wrong)

6) Kim Clement's prophecy about Trump serving 2 terms was not wrong, but we interpreted it incorrectly.

     *For reasons 5 and 6, we should note the ripple effect it could have had on other prophets following, echoing his prophecy.

How We Could Have (Possibly) Misinterpreted Kim Clement's Prophesy Regarding Trump's 2nd Term
a) I'm not saying this is the case, just presenting how this is a possibility that should be considered
b) I'm not going to try to deal with what every prophet has said about Donald Trump, right now we are focusing on Kim Clement's Prophesy Regarding Trump's 2nd Term

Kim Clement gave many accurate prophecies regarding Donald Trump that came true. In this article and video by Charisma Magazine (see reference notes below), you can find many specific details mentioned, which came true

"Trump will become a Trumpet"
"Hot blooded"
"Wall of protection"
" He will not be a praying President when he starts"
"There is a man named Donald" watching...you will be elected"

The prophesy that has many now confused is the one regarding Trump serving 2 terms. Many believe now that this prophecy was a mistake...but was it?

Let's look at the specific wording Kim used (see the Charisma article for more details)

"God says, I will put at your helm for two terms a president that will pray"

There are 3 elements here to consider in this sentence:
1) "put at your helm"
2) "two terms"
3) "a president that will pray"

Let's break this down:


This can be interpreted many ways. What does "put at your helm" exactly mean?

According to *definitions.net, a helm is the apparatus by which a ship is steered, comprising rudder, tiller.

Another definition of helm can mean "one at the place of direction or control; a steersman; hence, a guide; a director"

From this we could conclude that Trump could simply be leading us, giving us direction and guidance, not necessarily from the White House. He certainly has ability to continue to provide leadership, not as President.

At the time of this writing, Donald Trump is 74 years old. It could be that he will serve the world in a major way as a leader at a high level for 4 more years. After that, he  would be 78 years old and could then retire having less visibility and influence.

Every past president is still referred to as "president". Joe Biden was being referred to as Vice President although he hasn't been Vice President for 4 years.

Donald Trump is a Christian, it could be that he will begin to pray for our nation like never before

This specific word by Kim Clement does not have to necessarily mean that Donald Trump would be President for two consecutive terms, or two terms at all for that matter.

Is it possible that many prophets misinterpreted this specific detail/point by Prophet Kim Clement and thus echoed a prophesy, saying something God didn’t say?

It is important to notice the difference between what God wants to happen and what God knows will actually happen. God told Noah there will be a flood, that he will destroy all creation except Noah, his family, and 2 animals of every species. That was never God's will when he created Adam and Eve. It's not God's will for any to perish to but everyday people do. Regardless of whether God wants it to happen, he knows the future, the good and the bad.

God is not a liar, everything He says is true. Remember that. God is never, ever wrong. If there is a problem it is with us. God does speak to His people, we CAN hear him. We will not always understand what God is saying. We mayhear incorrectly, we may interpret incorrectly, we may not cooperate in Him in the way which He requires - this is all possible. Nonetheless we CAN hear God, and the prophets can hear him.

We need to continue to listen to the prophets, even if (perhaps) they get it wrong (sometimes).

Prophet James Robor

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Video compilation of Kim Clement's prophesies regarding Trump [Kim Clement Official YouTube]

"2007 Kim Clement Prophecy: 'I Will Put at Your Helm for Two Terms a President That Will Pray" [Charisma Magazine article]

"Lindsey Graham Delivers Dire Warning To Ant-Trump Republicans" [article by conspatriots.com}

Prophecies, Trump, and Possibilities [podcast episode by Pastor Amos Johnson of the Church for Entrepreneurs]

*1 Pastor Peter Hackzell of ESY Church shared this insight with me (credit to him)
*2 Insight credit to Pastor Amos Johnson, see podcast reference above

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