Kat loco s test with Onward

4 years ago

Follow me on rumble and subscribe to my YouTube channel please is a link to my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCFHMDsa4TQ_r_kGqxRKXUw

Testing the This is a demonstration to see if the Kat loco s works well with the game Onward.

Going to be demonstrating more games in the future with the Kat loco s to see how well does it work with the other games but for the most part preset games it is set up with so will follow me on rumble.

Here is a direct link to the main website https://www.kat-vr.com/

There is a direct link to the software And if you scroll down a little they have a installation guide you can watch https://www.kat-vr.com/pages/support-detail?id=aa7e312a24c74cbeadcf8f9137d0f9f5

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