Crafting the Mandalorian Darksaber----FOR REAL!

4 years ago

Howdy, everyone!

My name is Benjamin, and I am a blacksmith/knifemaker.
I have a fledgling blacksmithing/knifemaking business called Exile Forge.
This is my first video here on Rumble.

In this video, I begin the process of crafting the Darksaber from the hit show, The Mandalorian. Yes, I am a Star Wars nerd. I took inspiration for the design from both The Mandalorian, The Clone Wars, and Star Wars Rebels.

Want to follow me on social media?

I still have an IG account: theexiledforge
Freedom Lake account: Exile Forge
The FL page is a business page where I will post items for sale when I have them!

(I got zucked from Facebook for wrongthink......)

I hope you all enjoy it!

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